- Address:
- 53232 Lost Moccasin, Fort Hood, TX 76544
- Phone Number:
- (682) 235-8306
- Email Address:
- nick@coachcrayne.com
- Website URL:
- https://coachcrayne.com
- Instagram Handle:
- https://www.instagram.com/coachcrayne27/
- Facebook URL:
- https://www.facebook.com/Coachcrayne27
Hey, I’m Coach Nicholas Crayne. For most of my life I’ve had an infatuation with fitness and training. My goal is to become stronger and faster, to constantly push my limits and achieve the highest degree of fitness I can. In my pursuit of those goals, I aim to help others reach similar aspirations.
I have played multiple sports and have been training for the majority of my life. I started with hockey at the age of 6. Later my father, who was a Division One Football player for ULNV, began training me at the age of 14 to play football. He also taught me how to become stronger in the weight room and to use it to become a better athlete. I continued to play Football in addition to Track and Field throughout high school. I played for Augsburge College in Minneapolis, Minnesota in until I joined the Army in 2013. I enlisted as a Combat Engineer and began training for specialty schools like Air Assault, Sapper and Special Forces Selection. I attended and passed the grueling month at Sapper School in March, 2017 and attended Special Forces Selection the following year. Unfortunately, I separated my A/C joint during the course and was unable to complete selection.
Now, I continue to train and participate in bodybuilding competitions as well coach people all over the world to become their best selves! Im the proud owner of CCFB and now we help athletes all over the world achieve their best selfs. we offer custom tailored neutron and training protocols written by certified nutritionist and personal trainers.